The idea was born a long time ago. But like the seed of a mighty tree in a barren land, it stayed dormant deep in the unconscious minds of some uncaring ex-foresters living on the affluence of North America. However, like an Ericsonian therapist, someone dug that idea and brought it to the surface. Finally, the mighty seed found a fertile ground and a norturing environment where it can germinate and start to flourish.
The following article was written ten years ago, but we are reposting it here to remind everyone that there is something we should do, and yes, we can do it.

After being neglected for over ten years, it's almost providential that we uncovered this article just as we are starting to engage in a community-based forest management project. It introduced us to new concepts and shed light on the new directions that community-based forest conservation has taken on the global stage. Most importantly, it showed us access to the most critical inputs we require - funding.
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