This is the story of a man who single-handedly built a 550-hectare forest in a sandbar along the Brahmaputra River, one of the longest and most destructive rivers in India. He is Jadav Payeng also popularly known as Molai the Forest Man. He picked up plants from where ever he found them and planted them in his sandbar everyday for over forty years. His forest is now home for over 4 million plants and a sanctuary for a variety of animal species including elephants, rhinos, deer, monkeys, birds and even the fearsome Bengal tiger. Here is the link to his story:
To this day, Molai The Forest Man of India continues to plant trees everyday, that is, if he is not busy acting in movies everybody seems suddenly interested to make about him. He is turning out to be a much better ambassador of Forest Conservation and Biodiversity than Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio combined. Oh, and yes, you can throw Gretta Thunberg in that mix also.
He is presently creating Molai Forest 2.0, but now, he is not alone.
Molai Forest 2.0 in the making. Map of the Molai Forest.
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Little persistent acts repeated daily for over 40 years produced a forest and a sanctuary for a diverse animal population.
Overly ambitious government programs with enormous budgets repeated over a century only produced a sanctuary for crocs and vultures,